Daily Update Affairs 3 December 2024
Daily Update Affairs 3 December 2024
প্রশ্ন: ‘ইউএনসিসিডি কপ-১৬’ কোথায় অনুষ্ঠিত হচ্ছে?
উত্তর: রিয়াদ, সৌদি আরব।
প্রশ্ন: ‘এন জেরকো’ শহর কোথায় অবস্থিত?
উত্তর: গিনি।
প্রশ্ন: আল-নুসরা ফ্রন্টের নতুন সংস্করণ কোনটি?
উত্তর: হায়াত তাহরির আল-শামের (এইচটিএস)।
প্রশ্ন: ‘তাম্বোরা মাউন্ট আগ্নেয়গিরি’র অবস্থান কোথায়?
উত্তর: ইন্দোনেশিয়ার সুম্বাওয়া দ্বীপে।
প্রশ্ন: পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম চুক্তি কত সালে স্বাক্ষরিত হয়?
উত্তর: ১৯৯৭ সালে।
প্রশ্ন: এ নীতি পর্যালোচনা ও গবেষণাপ্রতিষ্ঠান সিপিডি প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন কে?
উত্তর: অধ্যাপক রেহমান সোবহান।
প্রশ্ন: ‘৩৬ ডেইজ অব জুলাই: স্যালুটিং দ্য ব্রেভহার্টস’ কী?
উত্তর: জুলাই গণঅভ্যুত্থান স্মৃতি প্রদর্শনী।
প্রশ্ন: প্রথম বাংলাদেশি হিসেবে কমলা বাসিন পুরস্কার পেয়েছেন কে?
উত্তর: জয়া চাকমা।
প্রশ্ন: ভারতের আগরতলায় বাংলাদেশের সহকারী হাইকমিশনে হামলা, ভাঙচুর ও পতাকা ছিঁড়ে ফেলার ঘটনা কবে ঘটে?
উত্তর: ৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪।
প্রশ্ন: সম্প্রতি ৩-০ ব্যবধানে কোন দলকে হোয়াইটওয়াশ করে বাংলাদেশ নারী ক্রিকেট দল?
উত্তর: আয়ারল্যান্ডকে।
প্রশ্ন: প্রখ্যাত প্রকাশনা প্রতিষ্ঠান খোশরোজ কিতাব মহলের স্বত্বাধিকারী ও সাপ্তাহিক সোনার বাংলা পত্রিকার প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মহীউদ্দীন আহমদ কবে ইন্তেকাল করেন?
উত্তর: ২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪।
প্রশ্ন: ৩ ডিসেম্বর কোন দুটি দিবস?
উত্তর: ৩৩তম আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিবন্ধী দিবস এবং ২৬তম জাতীয় প্রতিবন্ধী দিবস।
প্রশ্ন: ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প কাকে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মধ্যপ্রাচ্য ও আরব বিষয়ক উপদেষ্টা হিসেবে মনোনয়ন দিয়েছেন?
উত্তর: বালোস মাসাদ।
Daily Update Affairs 3 December 2024
Question: Where is ‘UNCCD COP-16’ being held?
Answer: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Question: Where is the city of ‘N’Zerko’ located?
Answer: Guinea.
Question: What is the new version of the Al-Nusra Front?
Answer: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
Question: Where is the ‘Tambora Mount Volcano’ located?
Answer: On the Sumbawa Island of Indonesia.
Question: In which year was the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord signed?
Answer: In 1997.
Question: Who established the policy review and research institution CPD?
Answer: Professor Rehman Sobhan.
Question: What is ’36 Days of July: Saluting the Bravehearts’?
Answer: A memorial exhibition of the July Uprising.
Question: Who is the first Bangladeshi to receive the Kamla Bhasin Award?
Answer: Joya Chakma.
Question: When did the attack, vandalism, and flag tearing incident occur at the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala, India?
Answer: 3 December 2024.
Question: Which team was whitewashed 3-0 by the Bangladesh women’s cricket team recently?
Answer: Ireland.
Question: When did the prominent publisher and founder of the weekly Sonar Bangla, Mohiuddin Ahmad, pass away?
Answer: 2 December 2024.
Question: What two days are observed on 3 December?
Answer: 33rd International Day of Persons with Disabilities and 26th National Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Question: Who did Donald Trump nominate as the U.S. Middle East and Arab Affairs Advisor?
Answer: Balos Masad.
Daily Update Affairs For India 3 December 2024
World AIDS Day: World AIDS Day, celebrated on 1 December, focuses on raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and promoting prevention, treatment, and support for those affected.
Mission Arun Himveer: Launched by the state government of Arunachal Pradesh, this mission aims to support agricultural and horticultural products, enhancing local farming initiatives.
Pragati Savings Account: HDFC Bank has launched the Pragati Savings Account, offering a new banking solution to promote financial inclusion.
Reappointment of WTO Director General: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been reappointed as the Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), continuing her leadership in global trade.
Kane Williamson’s Milestone: Kane Williamson has become the first Kiwi player to score 9,000 runs in the New Zealand cricket team, marking a significant achievement in his career.
New Head of FBI: Donald Trump has nominated Kash Patel as the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), highlighting a new direction for the agency.
Kerala’s Cattle Insurance Scheme: The state government of Kerala will launch an insurance scheme to cover the entire cattle population, ensuring protection and support for farmers.
FIPI 2023 Award: BPCL has won the FIPI 2023 award, recognizing its excellence in the petroleum industry.
Nagaland’s 62nd State Day: The Indian state of Nagaland celebrated its 62nd State Day on 1 December, commemorating its history and cultural heritage.
Mengong Festival: The two-day Mengong festival was celebrated in Meghalaya, showcasing the region’s rich cultural traditions and festivities.
BSF Foundation Day: The 59th foundation day of the Border Security Force (BSF) was celebrated on 1 December, honoring the contributions of BSF personnel to national security.
Central Board of Trustees of EPFO: Mansukh Mandaviya chaired the 236th meeting of the Central Board of Trustees of EPFO, focusing on policies related to employees’ provident funds.
ADB Loan Agreement: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has signed a loan agreement of 98 million dollars with India for plant management, supporting sustainable development.
Artificial Intelligence Center: With the help of the World Bank, an Artificial Intelligence Center will be established in Haryana, advancing AI research and innovation.
BUS SANGWARI APP: The “BUS SANGWARI APP” has been launched in Chhattisgarh, aimed at improving public transportation and passenger services.
Daily Update Affairs Q&A For India 3 December 2024
Q. On which date was World AIDS Day celebrated recently?
Answer: 1 December
Q. Which state government has launched “Mission Arun Himveer” to help agricultural and horticultural products?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
Q. Which bank has launched the Pragati Savings Account recently?
Answer: HDFC Bank
Q. Who has been reappointed as the Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
Answer: Ngozi Okonji-Iweala
Q. Who is the first Kiwi player to score 9,000 runs in the New Zealand cricket team?
Answer: Kane Williamson
Q. Who has Donald Trump nominated as the head of the FBI recently?
Answer: Kash Patel
Q. Which state government will launch an insurance scheme to cover the entire cattle population?
Answer: Kerala
Q. Which company won the FIPI 2023 award?
Answer: BPCL
Q. Which Indian state celebrated its 62nd State Day on 1 December?
Answer: Nagaland
Q. In which state was the two-day ‘Mengong’ festival celebrated recently?
Answer: Meghalaya
Q. On which date was the 59th foundation day of the Border Security Force (BSF) celebrated recently?
Answer: 1 December
Q. Who chaired the 236th meeting of the Central Board of Trustees of EPFO recently?
Answer: Mansukh Mandaviya
Q. Which organization signed a loan agreement of 98 million dollars with India for plant management recently?
Answer: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Q. In which state will an Artificial Intelligence Center be established with the help of the World Bank?
Answer: Haryana
Q. In which state has the “BUS SANGWARI APP” been launched recently?
Answer: Chhattisgarh